Capturing Novak Djokovic, the Serbian Flag, and Light Trails in a Single Shot: A Photographic Coincidence

Sports and tennis icon Novak Djokovic with light trail forming the Serbian flag in a coincidental shot

The Shot: World-famous Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic on a poster, with a trail of the Serbian flag in front

“Well jebote, what a picture!”

It was a picture of a famous Serbian tennis player, Novak Djokovic, on a poster, with a trail of the Serbian flag in front of it. I had set my camera to a 1.6-second exposure and in that time, a car had passed by, creating a trail of lights that just so happened to form the Serbian flag. The colors were red, blue, and white straight out of the camera.

The Celebration

What an incredible coincidence that Novak had just returned to his homeland and was being celebrated, with the poster being hung up in honor of him. And the cherry on top? I was staying in an apartment that overlooked the Novak cafè and Novak himself was there! The night was filled with fireworks to celebrate his record-breaking number of weeks as the world No. 1 tennis player.

As a Norwegian photographer visiting Serbia, I was truly touched by the culture, hospitality, and people of the country. I've grown attached to it and I can't wait to come back. I was on a tram, ready to explore the next destination, with my camera (that my Serbian girlfriend was holding). This shot was just one of the many amazing images I took on my trip.

The Norwegian Photographer in Serbia

On a tram, ready to explore the next destination, with my camera (that my Serbian girlfriend is holding).

If any media outlet wants to use any picture, just message me below!


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